Tiltable Aluminium Lifting Platforms

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Lifting platforms yog ua los ntawm high-strength 6000 series aviation txhuas profiles.Cov khoom siv braking muaj qhov zoo ntawm kev sib tsoo.Ib tug tib neeg tsuas yog yuav tsum tswj tus pas nrig traction kom paub txog lub hauv ntej, rov qab, kauj thiab nres ntawm of the elevator.Cov kev tswj yog yooj yim heev, thiab lub lifting adopts lub sab sauv thiab qis tswj txoj kev.Piv nrog rau cov tsoos aluminium alloy nqa, nws muaj cov txheej txheem ntxiv ntawm cov khoom siv ntsug thiab tilting.Upright thiab down, ob lub tog raj kheej roj twj tso kua mis piston pas nrig yog tsav los ntawm lub cev muaj zog, thiab lub lifting caj npab yog tswj kom nce thiab nqis los ntawm kev txuas ntxiv thiab kev cog lus ntawm tus pas nrig piston, thiab muaj kev txwv hloov mus xyuas seb nws mus txog. txoj hauj lwm.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe


Lub feature ntawm lub reclining aluminium alloy nqa yog tias nws tuaj yeem folded.Tom qab nws yog folded, qhov siab ntawm aluminium alloy nqa yog txo los ntawm ib nrab, uas yooj yim rau kev thauj mus los thiab khaws cia.

Khoom zoo

Cov khoom muaj qhov zoo ntawm cov tsos zoo nkauj, me me, lub teeb yuag, sib npaug nce thiab poob, ntsiag to thiab txhim khu kev qha, thiab lwm yam.

Daim ntawv thov

Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv kev cob qhia, tsev so, tsev noj mov, chaw nres tsheb, tshav dav hlau theaters, exhibition halls thiab lwm yam sij hawm, xws li cov khoom siv tu, pleev xim rau kho kom zoo nkauj, hloov teeb thiab teeb, khoom siv hluav taws xob, tu thiab tu.Cov khoom yog me me, elegant nyob rau hauv tsos, tuaj yeem txhim kho kev ua haujlwm zoo, thiab tsim nyog rau kev thauj khoom ntawm qhov siab hauv kev cob qhia, tsev noj mov, ua yeeb yam, thiab cov kab sib dhos.

Lub npe

Qauv No.

Max. Platform Qhov siab (M)

Load peev (KG)

Platform Loj (M)

Lub zog (KW)

Net Nyhav (KG)

Zuag qhia tag nrho (M)


TSW 18-4



1.6 * 0.88 hli



3.1 * 1.4 * 2.2


TSW 20-4



1.6 * 0.88 hli



3.9 * 1.4 * 2.2


TSW 22-4



1.6 * 0.88 hli


Xyoo 1900

3.9 * 1.4 * 2.2


TSW 24-4



1.6 * 0.88 hli



4.3 * 1.4 * 2.3 hli

Paub meej

p-d 1
p-d 2 ua
p d3 ua
p d4 ua

Factory Show


Cov neeg koom tes


  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb